We strongly believe that education is not just about activities defined by an examination syllabus. Our sixth formers are expected to take advantage of a wide range of opportunities to develop their sporting, cultural and intellectual lives. Through participation in extra-curricular activities, sixth formers develop a variety of skills, ranging from teamwork, time management, leadership and technical proficiency.
Sporting opportunities
The main winter sports are rugby, and netball. We also offer water polo, table tennis, basketball and volleyball, athletics, tennis and cricket. The school has a well- equipped Fitness Centre which pupils, who successfully complete an induction programme, may use before and after school. We offer the opportunity for pupils to take a Community Sports Leadership Award which provides pupils with the skills to supervise and organise sporting events in the wider community.
We have a well-established Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme. Sixth formers new to the school and the scheme would be able to follow the gold award. For pupils who have already completed silver, the gold award is available.
Cultural opportunities
The musical life of the school is extremely rich. There are a wide range of ensembles for pupils to join and to enjoy. Pupils may follow music lessons in any solo instrument or singing. Each term sees one major concert involving more than one hundred performers. We have a number of choirs including a choir for sixth form girls.
We have a purpose-built 300 seat capacity theatre which is not only an excellent concert venue but a stage for memorable dramatic and musical theatre productions where sixth formers play a prominent role. The first term sees a sixth form dramatic production which provides a range of roles both on the stage and in support. The second term sees the sixth form produce a major musical production. For pupils who do not wish to perform on the stage, there are a wide range of backstage roles to play supporting productions.
Other cultural activities
Outside sporting and cultural activities we run a number of different societies where sixth form participation is prominent. These include Science Society, History Society and Literary Society. Outside specific subject-related societies we have the Newman Society which considers ethical and moral issues. All these societies invite speakers to talk to interested pupils providing extra opportunities for pupils to expose themselves to challenging ideas and new perspectives. The quality of visiting speakers is high and the debate stimulated by the visits is rewarding.
We are highly involved in the Model United Nations movement sending award-winning delegations to a number of conferences in the UK and overseas. Pupils learn to view global problems through the eyes of a particular country, digesting key data quickly and developing advocacy skills as well as the softer skills of negotiation and compromise.