Ancient History
Ancient History gives pupils the opportunity to study the glories of Ancient Greece and the rise of the Roman Empire, including some of the defining moments in western history.
Download Curriculum PlanArt & Design
Art and Design builds upon the knowledge and skills acquired at GCSE level, providing ample opportunities for pupils to explore areas of personal interest, experiment with a range of methods and approaches and to develop their own artistic style.
Download Curriculum PlanBiology
The AS and A Level Biology course have been designed to engage and inspire pupils by showing how an understanding of many contemporary issues requires a grasp of fundamental biological ideas.
Download Curriculum PlanBusiness
Business offers pupils the opportunity to explore the world of work before entering into it fully, And equips pupils with an understanding of how to start a business, how larger businesses operate, and what decisions businesses make and why.
Download Curriculum PlanChemistry
The Chemistry A Level course is designed to expand and build on the basics learnt at GCSE level, focusing on those topics that explain many aspects of the environment around us in terms of the material world.
Download Curriculum PlanClassical Greek
Classical Greek at AS and A2 gives pupils the chance to build on their knowledge of the Greek language by studying a more authentic style of texts written by a wider range of authors.
Download Curriculum PlanDesign & Technology
A level Product Design is a rigorous and demanding course which provides pupils with the skills and knowledge to respond to real world problems.
Download Curriculum PlanEconomics
Economics is a very accessible subject, drawing on scientific and mathematical understanding, in an applied way, whilst offering an opportunity for debate and discussion in the more subjective areas of the course.
Download Curriculum PlanEnglish Literature
English Literature A level builds on the skills developed at GCSE, giving pupils the opportunity to develop their interest in and enjoyment of literature.
Download Curriculum PlanFrench
French A level builds on the skills developed at GCSE, giving pupils the ability to understand spoken and written French at a high level whilst also providing pupils with the tools to communicate confidently in written and spoken form.
Download Curriculum PlanFurther Mathematics
As well as being a highly regarded subject in its own right, Mathematics is an excellent partner for many other subjects, especially Sciences, Geography and Economics.
Download Curriculum PlanGeography
Geography A level is a relevant and engaging course which balances physical and human geography.
Download Curriculum PlanGerman
German A level builds on the skills developed at GCSE, giving pupils the ability to understand spoken and written German at a high level whilst also providing pupils with the tools to communicate confidently in written and spoken form.
Download Curriculum PlanHistory
History builds upon the skills developed at GCSE and allows pupils to understand History at a higher level. Through a range of papers pupils are introduced to a variety of ways of studying history.
Download Curriculum PlanLatin
Latin at AS and at A level gives pupils the opportunity to build on their knowledge of the Latin language acquired at GCSE by studying a more authentic style of texts written by a wider range of authors.
Download Curriculum PlanMathematics
Pure Maths pupils will develop and extend skills in algebra and trigonometry, as well as meeting new topics such as differentiation and integration (calculus), logarithms, functions, vectors and mathematical proof.
Download Curriculum PlanMusic
Music A Level is a stimulating and enriching choice. The course builds on previously acquired skills at GCSE as it expects pupils to experience the three main musical disciplines of performing, composing, and appraising.
Download Curriculum PlanPhysical Education
Pupils who have studied GCSE Physical Education (PE) or those who have a particular interest in factors affecting performance in sport would be suitably qualified to consider this thoroughly engaging and theoretical course.
Download Curriculum PlanPhysics
A Level Physics is concerned with observing natural phenomena in the world modelling them and predicting future outcomes in new and unknown situations.
Download Curriculum PlanPolitics
Politics is a new subject for pupils at AS and A Level, but builds upon skills from subjects such as History or English. The AS units link well to each other and allow pupils to study a range of issues in the contemporary government and politics of the United Kingdom.
Download Curriculum PlanRSE & PHSE
Young people are growing up in an increasingly complex world. This presents many positive and exciting opportunities, but also challenges and risks. The PHSE & RSE subject content will give them the knowledge and capability to be safe and healthy, and enable them to manage their academic, personal and social lives in a positive way.
Download Curriculum PlanSpanish
Spanish A level builds on the skills developed at GCSE, giving pupils the ability to understand spoken and written Spanish at a high level whilst also providing pupils with the tools to communicate confidently in written and spoken form.
Download Curriculum PlanTheology
Theology invites pupils to engage with key themes in Philosophy of Religion, Ethics and Christian Thought from their origins in the Hebrew Scriptures through their encounter with Greek philosophy and development in Christianity.
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