As the recently appointed Headmaster of The London Oratory School, and a relatively new addition to this prestigious institution, it is my great privilege and pleasure to introduce myself to you.
Although I have only recently taken up the post, I have been particularly struck by the high regard and warm affection with which former pupils, parents and the wider community esteem the School. This should not have come as a surprise, as the wider Catholic community has always valued its educational and religious institutions, guarded them zealously and supported them actively, whether the climate has been favourable, or otherwise.
Indeed, as an historian, it should not have escaped my attention that our earliest recorded instances of formal fundraising activity can be readily linked to the activities of religious faith. Whether the glories of Milan Cathedral in 1368, the numerous chantries that once made up the landscape of pre-reformation England, or, indeed, the centrality of the Church plate in the raising of monies to re-found Catholic schools after the restoration of the hierarchy in these isles in 1850, all speak of the importance of legacy donations to the sustenance of the Catholic community across time and space.
In this context, I would very much like to invite you to consider joining The Faber Society. By joining The Faber Society, I encourage you to make a contribution to the enduring success of the School by making provision for The London Oratory School in your will. If you are able to make a legacy pledge, as a token of our gratitude, we would very much like to invite you to a biennial lunch to celebrate your generosity and to thank you in person.
I do very much hope that you might consider completing the Legacy Pledge Form, available below. Your role in securing the present and future prosperity of the School is an incredibly valuable contribution, and, I know, would place its beneficiaries in a debt of personal gratitude to which we would all be inspired to live up to, and to equal. We, and successive generations, will be sure to steward and safeguard your very kind legacy donation towards the intention of a spiritual, ritualistic, moral and intellectual Catholic education, so very much at the service of the common good, and so absolutely vital to the continuation of the Gospel ministry of Jesus’ teaching to the times and to the people of today and to successive generations of youngsters.