Physical Education at The London Oratory School balances out the needs of wider participation and sport for all, with elite performance, and the needs of a diversified programme with plenty of scope for specialisation. Fundamentally, sport is a context in which the virtues of character are developed. The School is blessed with an onsite swimming pool, gym and astro-turf. Weekly, pupils are transported to Barn Elms for their off-site activities. Core sports with competitive fixtures both in-house and external include Rugby, Water Polo, Hockey, Cricket, Athletics, and, of unique interest, is a gym well equipped with qualified staff for boxing training – don’t worry no sparring, or competitive bouts, but much more about engaging in speed, strength and agility training in hard burn workouts!
At Key Stage 3 (First and Second Form currently), all pupils undertake a range of activities providing a broad understanding of healthy active lifestyles and developing physical maturity. All classes have 3 half term blocks in the pool enhancing swimming, lifesaving and water polo. The remaining three blocks focus on a range of invasion games, health related exercise and alternative sports such as dodgeball. Whilst we develop physical attributes of pupils, there also a strong focus on moral and emotional growth with teamwork, fair play and peer assessments.
Outline of Syllabus
Pupils will receive a well-rounded and full introduction to the world of PE, sport and sport science by developing an understanding of how the mind and body works in relation to performance in physical activity. Pupils will study a range of topics such Anatomy and Physiology, Sports Psychology and Socio Cultural influences on sport.
Pupils have a timetabled Games session each week during which they participate in their chosen activities.
Michaelmas and Lent terms:
Swimming / Water polo
Fitness / Weight training
Trinity term:
Gaelic Football
Swimming / Water polo
Table tennis
Boys have the opportunity to represent the school in rugby, cricket, athletics, cross country, tennis and water polo and their house in rugby, cross country, cricket, swimming, soccer and athletics.
Scheme of Assessment
Written Assessment 60% - the written examination will test the theoretical content of the course.
It comprises of two exam papers of 1 hour 15 minutes and both assessments accounting for 30% each.
Non-Examined Assessment (NEA) is worth 40% of the total marks and comprises practical performance (30%) and performance analysis and evaluation (10%), both of which will be internally assessed and externally moderated.
For the practical element candidates must be assessed in three activities: one team activity (for example, rugby), one individual activity (for example, athletics) and another team or individual activity (for example, football) that is listed on the AQA website. Activities unable to be performed within PE supervision may require video footage to be acquired outside of lesson time.
The performance analysis and evaluation requires pupils to analyse their strengths and weaknesses in one of their chosen activities and create a plan on how to improve their performance.
Suitable candidates should be regularly competing in at least one of the practical assessment activities listed. Please see the PE Department to view the list of approved activities.
Awarding Body: AQA Specification GCSE (9-1)