Pastoral Support
The formation of Catholic character sits at the base of the School's approach to pastoral support. Structures, staff, programmes and procedures are all targeted with this end in mind. On joining the School, boys are allocated to one of six forms, which go to comprise a year group within one of the six Houses. The six Houses are named after six Henrician, Elizabethan and Jacobite martyrs, and Housemasters cultivate a distinctive flavour, or spirit in each of the Houses. The Houses are organised longitudinally, with each House comprising of each of one year group, or class, from 1st to 5th Form inclusive. The Housemaster has the oversight of the boys’ intellectual and moral formation, and is ably supported by Assistant Housemasters and Form Teachers. The School also enjoys strong and professional in-house counselling provision, which can be made available to pupils. The Houseroom is a base for pupils to socialise and to have lunch: House Councils also enable representation on whole school issues. The presumption is that pupils will remain members of their allocated House throughout their time at the School. This enables the important principle of continuity in their pastoral development.